Supporting the body’s innate ability to restore health
If you don’t feel your best self, that’s your body’s way of telling you that something is out of balance.
We’re here to figure out what it is. Explore our offerings below for more information.
Initial Consultation
75 minutes
With Kailene $245 (Telehealth)
With Rachel $225 (Telehealth )
Your first visit is more than a consultation; it’s a comprehensive exploration of your health journey—past, present, and future goals. During this session, we'll deep dive into your symptoms, past medical history, medications and nutritional supplements, as well as other diet and lifestyle factors that could be impacting your health.
As part of our holistic approach, we’ll likely also recommend specific functional tests, which will provide valuable insights into any dysfunctions, imbalances, or deficiencies within your body, including:
Gut microbiome mapping
Vaginal microbiome mapping
Comprehensive blood tests
Saliva test
By the end of our session, you’ll leave with actionable steps—a personalised roadmap comprising immediate diet and lifestyle changes. In some cases, if necessary, targeted supplements or medications may be recommended to get you feeling better, faster.
Once we receive and review your test results, we'll craft a detailed, personalised treatment plan, which will be discussed and fine-tuned during your follow-up appointment.
Second Follow up Consultation
60 minutes
With Kailene $160 (Telehealth)
With Rachel $180 (Telehealth)
This appointment is longer as we time to go through all your testing/ pathology results and explain your plan
This is scheduled 4 - 6 weeks after your initial consultation, when we’ve received and reviewed the results from your functional testing.
During this session, we discuss your personalised treatment plan. Think of this plan as your roadmap to well-being. It covers a spectrum of details—your health goals, dietary guidance, lifestyle recommendations, and, where appropriate, prescriptions for herbal medicine or nutritional supplements.
Every subsequent follow up after this
45 minutes
Kailene: $140 (Telehealth)
Rachel: $120 (Telehealth)
Depending on your plan/ protocol these appointments will be used to check in and ensure everything is on track. Any necessary changes to supplements/ diet or lifestyle will be made to ensure we are achieving your health goals.