Double Tap Agency Double Tap Agency

The Importance of Maintaining Thyroid Health

The thyroid is generally considered the major control centre of the body. This butterfly-shaped gland sits at the front of the throat and secretes key hormones that influence appetite, weight, energy production, sex hormones, and blood sugar regulation.

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Kailene Watt Kailene Watt

Everything you need to know about cycle syncing

Being a woman is dynamic; we can wake up every day of our cycle and feel totally different to the day before. The ever changing hormone levels mean that we are never in the same hormonal state twice in a month. Gone are the days of popping pain killers and pushing through; cycle syncing is learning how to work with our period not against it.

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Kailene Watt Kailene Watt

So you want to get off birth control. Now what? 

Birth control although no doubt an amazing advancement in women’s reproductive freedom and liberation has me thinking, at what cost? With a side effects sheet that you could use as a blanket, pitch as a tent, or eat your dinner on it saddens me when I still have to break the news to clients that a lot of their suffering could be potentially due to their daily contraceptive pill.

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Kailene Watt Kailene Watt

Haelan turns one! And here's what I've learnt...

Can't believe my baby is ONE already, and what a wild ride it has been! Well they do say, time flies when you're having fun and it sure has been a lot of fun getting to know all of my beautiful clients. Though, it hasn't all been easy, so I've put together 12 things I've learnt in the last 12 months; not only in business but also from my whole life that is forever evolving.

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Kailene Watt Kailene Watt

4 reasons why you might be experiencing period pain

Dreading your period each month? I know those feels girl - I too used to suffer with debilitating period pain every month that would force me to miss days of school and not want to do life! I thought I was a slave to my monthly menses until I dug a little deeper and found some very common causations.

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Kailene Watt Kailene Watt

5 Reasons You Should Balance Your Blood Sugar

Roughly 90% of the population is living with too much glucose in their system. If you are one of my clients, you would know how much emphasis I put on incorporating daily strategies to ensure we don’t have glucose spikes and therefore glucose crashes.

Wondering if this applies to you? Read to find out the 5 most common symptoms of irregular blood sugar.

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